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IK DOE HET NIET – 50 originele manieren om je ex dwars te zitten (met een knipoog).
[ Freely translated: I’D NEVER EVER – 50 original ways to bother your ex (with a wink). ]

The book came to life after a bad break up the author had. In the following days, weeks, months she thought of all possible ways of revenge. But after thinking of them, and sometimes almost planned out, she called herself back with the wise words “I’d never ever…., he’s not worth the energy anymore.” She had so much
of those ideas that she wanted to share them with the world, together with the good advice, what became the title as well…

Fifty of them were carefully selected and illustrated. They’re in order of break up experience: dramatic self-pity, longing back to the good old days, revenge through private and public humiliation, getting over him, feeling sorry, reaching out a helping hand, and finally getting back to your own life again.

Illustrations, book design and typography are by me, idea and text by "Ik Doe Het Niet'.
(Because of the personal nature of the book her name is feigned.)

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